“Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.”

-Dr. Edward Bach

A renowned form of energy medicine, Bach flower therapy predominantly aims to restore emotional harmony. By easing daily stress, addressing mild mood concerns, calming anxious feelings and reducing frustration and anger, it seeks to create a balance in areas of energetic disruption.

A Bach Flower Remedy consists of water that has been patterned with the energetic vibrations of one of thirty eight different flowers. When the appropriate essence is ingested by a person, it awakens an awareness of a particular emotional and/or mental pattern that is repressed or in conflict, thus assisting the person to make lasting changes. Thinking of these remedies as being a collection of harmonious water crystals is an accurate way to conceptualize them.

Dr. Bach, the founder, believed that illness was the result of a conflict between the purposes of the soul and the personality’s actions and outlook. This internal war, leads to negative moods and to “energy blocking”, causing a lack of “harmony”, thus leading to physical diseases. He realized that an individual’s emotional outlook influenced the course, severity and duration of disease.

This Therapy is gentle and subtle, so that improvements tend to happen gradually and almost imperceptibly. The flower essences act as catalysts for psycho-spiritual change and mind-body health.

The Essence of Healing

Unbottle Your Emotions

Apart from tapping into the inner power of our mind, Bach Flower therapy can:
  • Remove blockages in the body’s energy flow
  • Help eliminate negative thoughts and emotions
  • Stimulate healing
  • Improve overall performance
  • Help us take better decisions
Remedies grouped according to the psychological causes of illness:
  • Fear – Aspen, Mimulus, Red chestnut, Rock rose
  • Uncertainty – Centaury, Gentian, Horn beam, Scleranthus, wild oat
  • Intolerance – Beech, Impatiens, Rock water
  • Lack of interest – Chestnut, Clematis, wild rose
  • Despair – Cerato, Chicory, Crab apple, Honeysuckle, Gorse, Mustard, Star of Bethlehem, Sweet Chestnut, willow
  • Anxiety – Agrimony, Cherry plum, Elm, Oak, Olive, Vervain, Walnut, white chestnut,
  • Ego – Heather, Holly, Vine, water violet
  • Low self Esteem – Larch, Pine

Remedies with their individual indications:


Mental torture & worry hidden from others. In distress putting on a smiling face


Fears of Unknown origin


Exactness , Order & discipline
A sort of intolerance.


Self-doubt, Self-distrust


Weakness of will
Submissive , yielding, influenced by others

Cherry Plum

Desperation, mounting tension, Losing self-control after suffering a long period of strain and agony.

Chestnut bud

Lack of Observation, Indifference
Needing repeated experiences


Possessive , Self-love, Self-attention, Self-pity


Lack of interest, indifference

Crab apple

Self-dislike , self-disgust, Personal shame
In regard to one’s thoughts, actions


Feeling of inadequacy , Overwhelmed by insurmountable emotions, not being able to cope


Uncertainty, Hesitancy
Discouraged in the face of obstacles


Hopelessness, with regard to the future outcome of events.
A stifling of purpose & motivation.


Self-centred, superiority
Ego, belief in one’s importance


Jealousy, envy
Competitive attitude


Nostalgic sadness,
Dwelling on past memories, no joy in present moments


state of uncertainty, Procrastination,
Mental weariness, lack of mental clarity, Lack of motivation


Impatience, dislikes delay
Hurried & driven, ‘’ready to go’’


Low self-confidence, lack of self-esteem


Fears of concrete origin, fear of persons, objects, tasks
Anticipatory fears


Depression , Gloomy states,
Morose, brooding


Struggle, burdened by insurmountable circumstances,
Fulfillment of duty, in the face of hardship


Mental exhaustion, a nervous weakened state
Burn-out syndrome after prolonged mental hardships
Need for Rejuvenation


Overly Conscientious,
Self-blame, feelings of guilt and self-reproach

Red chestnut

Fear & anxiety for the welfare of others,
Fear of adverse events, accidents
to near & dear one’s

Rock Rose

Acute sudden Fear, Terror,
Threat of a severe situation, like death to one’s life or of another

Rock Water

Rigid, Strict, Hard taskmasters,
Inspire others by a path of self-mastery and self-discipline


Indecisive , imbalance, vacillate between two or several options
Dread of making a wrong decision
Lack of clarity

Star of Bethlehem

Shock, grief, mental trauma (PTSD)

Sweet Chestnut

Agony & anguish due to utter despair,
Unbearable sufferings


Intensity , Over enthusiasm to implement goals and principles
Master the challenges, work for progress
Fervency, exuberance of spirits


Overly domination, Tyrant,
Dictatorial attitude
Insensitive, lack of empathy


For Change. The link breaker
Frustration associated with ‘’Change’’ in life.
Change of different stages in life, puberty, teething, menopause. Or change of occupation. Residence

Water Violet

Pride, aloofness.
A sort of reserved dignity.
A feeling of pride with a self-chosen isolation from others mainly due to a feeling of being ‘’above the other’’.

White Chestnut

Uncontrolled persistent , worrisome thoughts.
A chronic introspection

Wild Oat

Uncertainty of personal expression and purpose.
Personal dissatisfaction, Lack of motivation

Wild Rose

Resignation and Complete loss of interest
A state of apathy


Bitterness and Resentment
A sense of having received injustice. Inability to release disturbing thoughts.

Rescue remedy

a combination of 5 remedies for a unique synergistic healing effect.
For emergencies both physical and emotional.
Severe pain, burns, injuries, accidents.
A true first aid remedy before medical aid arrives

• Cherry plum – hysteria, suicidal
• Clematis – unconsciousness, coma
• Impatiens – tension, irritability
• Rock rose – terror, panic
• Star of Bethlehem – shock

When coupled with traditional counselling, this therapy is known to give phenomenal results.

“Final and complete healing ultimately comes from within”

-Dr. Edward Bach